Dr (Mrs) N.Thembamala
- Ayurvedic beauty therapy – O93C001M12
- Anatomy and physiology of skin, hair & nails – O93C001M13
- Introduction to professional cosmetology and ethics – O93C001M01
- Limitations of cosmetologist with respect to skin, hair & nail disorders to be attended – O93C001M03
- Nutrition, diet and exercise-related to cosmetology O93C001M04
- Cosmetic products for skin, nail & hair services O93C001M05
- Regulatory requirements for hair & beauty industry O93C001M10
Thembamala C. R. Analgesic activity of Mukia maderaspatana (Linn) by tail immersion method. World J Pharm Sci 2017; 5(8): 201-203. Full paper Published: 01-08-2017
Thembamala C.R, et al. Preliminary Analysis of Siddha Antidiabetic Herbal Formulation (Ilavankaathy ilekiyam). International Journal of Advanced Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy 2015;4(1): 243-251. Full
paper Published:30-03- 2015
Thembamala C.R, et al. A Single Case study on the therapeutic effectiveness of Mukia maderaspatna. (Linn) in the management of Bronchial Asthma. Siddha Papers Organization2015; 2(3) :2 Full paper Published:23 -10-2015
International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine-2014,2015,2016
International Research Symposium organized by Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities – Rajarata University of Sri Lanka,2014