Dr. Mrs. P. Vijitha
Peer reviewed publications
Research publications in refereed Journal (Full paper published)
- R and Vijitha. P. (2021). Role of Natural Product In Preventing Covid-19.., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2021; 08(9).
- R, Paheerathan. V. (2021).Evaluation of anti-pyretic activity of Plectranthusvettiveroides. International Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 14(3):107‒111. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2021.14.00542.
- R, Paheerathan. V, Nishanthini and Chanjuka U.(2021). Evaluate the efficacy of Antimicrobial activity of aqueous extract of Nigella Sativa seeds powder on Staphylococcus Aureus. Open Access Journal of Biomedical Science, 3(6): 972-977.
- Paheerathan, V, (2021). Effectiveness AcalyphaIndicaon the Management of Cough. SchInt J Tradit Complement Med, 4(5): 61-66.
- B.N, Paheerathan V, Piratheepkumar. R. (2020), Evaluation of antioxidant and phytochemical analysis of water extracted root powder of GlycyrrhizaGlabra. Sri Lanka Journal of Indigenous Medicine. 05 (02): 424 – 428.
- ShyamalaWijerathne RM, Piratheepkumar R, Paheerathan V.(2020). Evaluate the Effectiveness of Pongamiapinnata Seed Powder on Pityriasis Versicolor (Themal). J Clin&Commun Med 2(3)- 2020. JCCM.MS.ID.000139. DOI: 10.32474/JCCM.2020.02.000139.
- J, Paheerathan. V, Piratheepkumar.R, Chanjugaa.U.(July, 2020).Evaluation of Anti-candida activity of Aqueous extracts of leaves, root and stem of Rhinacanthusnasutusagainst Candida albicansin vitro study.IAR Journal of Medical Sciences. Vol-1, (2), pp. 74-90.
- V. (2019). Therapeutic validity of Pimpinellaannisum on Iraippunoei (Bronchial Asthma). International Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine.Vol 12,(5), pp.179‒184.
- V. (2019). Efficacy of MudakkuChuranam and SivappuKukkil Oil in the Management of AzhalKeelvayu (Osteo Arthritis of the Knee Joint). Journal of Research in Traditional Medicine (JRTM). Vol 5, (1-2), pp.04-12.
- Bavithira K, V. (2019). Conceptual study of Kuthirai Vali Noi (Grandmal Tonic Clonic Seizure) in Siddha Medicine. World Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol 8, (04), pp. 38-47.
- T, Paheerathan. V, Piratheepkumar. R. (2019). Joint care in Siddha Medicine – Review article. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. Vol 8 (5), pp: 583-588.
- K, Vijitha.P, Piratheepkumar. R. (2018). Effectiveness of Madhucalongifolia root bark powder for Wound Healing Activity in Wistar Albino rats. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol 5(1), pp: 93-99.
- V, Piratheepkumar. R, Kokilan. K. (2018). Efficacy of Tamarinds indica in the management of Pandu Noei. Siddha Papers, A Peer reviewed Journal. ISSN 0974- 2522. Vol. 13(1).
- S, Paheerathan. V, Piratheepkumar. R. (2018). Efficacy of leave powder of Bambusaarundinacea on Antithrompotic activity. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol 5(3), pp: 101-105.
- P, Vijitha.P, Piratheepkumar. R. (2018). Effectiveness of leave powder of Glycyrrhizaglabra on Vitiligo. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy. Vol 8(2), pp. 19-29.
- V, Piratheepkumar. R, Kumaran. K. (2017). Evaluation of Wound healing activity of Nigella sativa seed powder on Wistar albino rats. Scholarly Journal of Biological Science Vol. 6(3), pp. 60-63.
- T, Paheerathan. V, Piratheepkumar. R. (2017). Clinical trial of the effectiveness of Calamusrotang on the management of AzhalKeelvayu (Osteoarthritis of Knee joint), International Journal of Current Medical and Pharmaceutical Research. Vol. 3(6), pp: 1882-1831, ISSN: 2395- 6429.
- K, VijithaPaheerathan. V, Piratheepkumar. R. (2017). Evaluate the efficacy of root powder of Picrorhizascrophulariiflora Pennell on the management of constipation. International Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Vol. 9(1). pp:
- K, Paheerathan. V. (2017). A review on Anti-hypertensive herbs in Siddha system. Siddha Papers. Vol 2(3), pp
- K, Paheerathan. V, Sivakaneshan.R. (2017). Efficacy of stem of AmorphophallusPaeoniifolius on Anti Hyperlipideamic. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. Vol 6(12), pp. 75-84.
- V. (2016). Effectiveness of Syzygiumcumini (Naval) Root Decoction of on Diabetics Mellitus (Mathumeaham). International Journal Advanced Ayurveda and Pharmacy Research. Vol 2, (1), pp. 25-35.
- V, Pawmitha, M.F.F. (2016). Effectiveness of Root Decoction of Indigoferatinctoria on Peptic Ulcer (Gunmam). International Journal of Ayurveda and Alternative Medicine. Vol 4(2), pp. 141-148.
- V, Mohommedu Hasan M.G. (2015). Evaluate the effectiveness of Sphaeranthusindicuslinn on the management of constipation. Vol 1(1), pp. 1-12.
- VijithaPaheerathan, Piratheepkumar R. (2018). Effectiveness of decoction of Allium cepa on Peptic Ulcer. Journal of Research in Siddha Medicine. Vol 1(1), pp: 48-53.
Peer review presentations at National/International conferences/Symposium
Published as full paper
- R.T.S, Paheerathan.V. (2016). Ethno botanical survey of medicinal plant species at Trincomalee Campus, Paper presented and full paper published on First International research conference- 2016 at Trincomalee Campus
- U, Mohommadu Hasan. MG, Paheerathan.V. (2016). The study of mal identification of Munroniapinnata (Wall) Theob. asNilavembu (T)- Review, Paper presented and full paper published on First International research conference- 2016 at Trincomalee Campus.
Published as Abstract
- Menike A.A.I.S, Paheerathan,V, Piratheepkumar,R, Sivakanesan.R. (2020). Evaluation of Phytochemical Constituents, Antioxidant Capacity, Alpha -Amylase Inhibitory activity with special reference to the Hypoglycaemic activity of Asparagus racemosus on Alloxan induced Diabetic rats. Global Congress On Sustainability for Growth & Development 2020 18th July 2020 (GCSGD 2020), organized by the collaboration of NilaiUniverisity Malaysia, Einstien Researcher’s Academy ERA, India, Fatima College Madurai, India &Galgotia University, India. 18.07.2020.
- Menike A.A.I.S, Paheerathan,V, Piratheepkumar,R, Sivakanesan.R. (2020). Evaluation of Hypoglycemia activity of the tuberous root powder of Asperagusracemosus on Wistor Albino rats. 2nd International Research Conference and Exhibition on Siddha Medicine 2020, Unit of Siddha Medicine, University of Jaffna. 5th -8th of March 2020.
- Paheerathan,V, Piratheepkumar,R. (2018). Evaluate the effectiveness of Santalum album on the management of Leucorrhoea. National conference on Prevention and Managenent of life disorders through Siddha System of Medicine – 4th of January 2018 Central Council of Research in Siddha in collaboration with TN MGR Medical University, India.
- V, Ushakanthan.S, Bavithra.R. (2018). Evaluation of Anti- pyretic activity of Memodicacharantia fruit juice on wistar albino rats, Paper presented and abstract published on Third International Research Conference- August 16 th and 17th of 2018 at Trincomalee Campus.
- P, SahiyaRafeek, Piratheepkumar. (2018). Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plant species used by communities around Muththunagar GS division 2017. Paper presented in first International Conference in Unit of Siddha Medicine, University of Jaffna.
- T, Piratheepkumar. R, Paheerathan.V. (2018). Case study on Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy by Indigenous System. First International Conference and exhibition in Indigenous medicine, ICEIM 2018. ISSN: 2651-0294, pp: 07.
- M.A, Paheerathan.V, Piratheepkumar. R. (2018). Efficacy of powder of Myristica fragrance on management of Insomnia. First international conference and exhibition in Indigenous medicine, ICEIM 2018. ISSN: 2651-0294, pp: 20.
- K, Sivakanesan.R, Paheerathan.V. (2018). Evaluation of wound healing activity of Pterocarpus marsupium resin powder on Wistar albino rats. First International Conference and Exhibition in Indigenous medicine, ICEIM 2018. ISSN: 2651-0294, pp: 57.
- K, Piratheepkumar. R, Paheerathan.V. (2018). The preliminary study of Psychological diseases and treatment in Siddha Medicine – A review. First international conference and exhibition in Indigenous medicine, ICEIM 2018. ISSN: 2651-0294, pp: 21.
- E, Paheerathan.V, Piratheepkumar. R. (2018). Case Observational study on Leprosy. First international conference and Exhibition in Indigenous medicine, ICEIM 2018. ISSN: 2651-0294, pp 11.
- R, Dhashalini. T, Paheerathan.V, Piratheepkumar. R. (2018). SampiraniThailam – Traditional formulation for skin diseases- Review. First international confersance and Exhibition in Indigenous medicine, ICEIM 2018. ISSN: 2651-0294, pp 53.
- V, Piratheepkumar.R, Rimzon.B. (2018). Effectiveness of decoction of Allium cepa on Peptic Ulcer, Paper presented and abstract published on National conference on Prevention and Management of life disorders through Siddha System of Medicine – 4th of January 2018 Central Council of Research in Siddha in collaboration with TN MGR Medical University, India
- S, Paheerathan.V. (2018). Ethno botanical survey in Konesapuri, Manganai and Sampalthivu North in Trincomalee District, Paper presented and abstract published on First International Conference and Exhibition in Indigenous Medicine- 2018, organized by Department of Indigenous Medicine, Eastern Province with the collaboration of Unit of Siddha Medicine, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- T, Paheerathan. V. (2017). A study of provoking factors of the incident for AzhalKeelvayu, Paper presented and abstract published on First Research Conference- 2017 at Unit of Siddha Medicine, University of Jaffna.
- N, Paheerathan.V, Piratheepkumar.R. (2017). Evaluate the efficacy of root powder of Picrorhizascrophulariiflora Pennell on the management of Constipation, Paper presented and abstract published on First International Research Conference- September 13th and 14th of 2017 at Trincomalee Campus.
- T, Paheerathan. V, Piratheepkumar. R. (2017). Efficacy and effective dosage of Calamusrotang on AzhalKeelvayu (Osteoarthritis of Knee), Paper presented and abstract published on First International Research Conference- September 13th and 14th of 2017 at Trincomalee Campus.
- Bavithira K, Paheerathan.V, Sivakaneshan R, Piratheepkumar R. (2017). Effectiveness of Plant Amorphophalluspaeoniifolius in obesity on Hyperlipideamic induced rat models. 1st International Research Conference- September 13th and 14th of 2017 at Trincomalee Campus.
- F, Paheerathan.V, Piratheepkumar R. (2017). Plants used in child care around Kuchchaweli MOH area, Trincomalee. First International Research Conference- September 13th and 14th of 2017 at Trincomalee Campus.
- Senarath P, Paheerathan.V, Piratheepkumar. (2017). Case observational study of Dengue Fever. First International Research Conference- September 13th and 14th of 2017 at Trincomalee Campus.
- A.A.I, Paheerathan.V, Piratheepkumar R. (2017). Case Study on Tuberculosis, Trincomalee. First International Research Conference- September 13th and 14th of 2017 at Trincomalee Campus.
- SahiyaRafeek, Paheerathan.V, Piratheepkumar. R. (2017). A systematic review on medicinal plants used to treat Diabetes Mellitus. Tradmed International Research Conference, 2017.
- T, Paheerathan.V. (2016). Joint care in Siddha Medicine, Paper presented and abstract published on First International Research Conference, Undergraduate forum – 2016 at Trincomalee Campus.
- K, Pholton Rajeev.SR, Paheerathan.V. (2016). Ethno botanical survey of Medicinal plant species at Kappalthurai, Paper presented and abstract published on First International Research Conference, Undergraduate forum – 2016 at Trincomalee Campus.
- N, Paheerathan.V. (2016). Management of Constipation in Siddha System, Paper presented and abstract published on First International Research Conference, Undergraduate forum – 2016 at Trincomalee Campus.
- R.T.S, Paheerathan.V. (2015). Review on patient satisfaction, Paper presented and abstract published on Third International Research Conference- 2015 at Institute of Indigenous Medicine.
- Kirushanthy.K,V. (2015). Effect of Euphorbia hirta on the management of Constipation (Malakkaddu), Paper presented and abstract published on Third International Research Conference- 2015 at Institute of Indigenous Medicine.
- S, Paheerathan.V. (2015). Effect of Pimpinellaanisum on the management of Iraippunoi (Bronchial Asthma), Paper presented and abstract published on Third International Research Conference- 2015 at Institute of Indigenous Medicine.
- K, Paheerathan.V. (2015). Efficacy of Tamarindusindica in the management of Pandu noei (Iron Deficiency Anaemia), Paper presented and abstract published on Third International Research Conference- 2015 at Institute of Indigenous Medicine.
- R.T.S, Paheerathan.V. (2015). Research Ethics in Traditional Medicine- Review, Paper presented and abstract published on Third International Research Conference- 2015 at Institute of Indigenous Medicine.
- K, Paheerathan.V. (2014). Phytopharmacological aspects of Clerodendrumserratum Linn, Abstract published on Second International Research Conference- 2014 at Institute of Indigenous Medicine.
- VijithaPaheerathan, SivaganamoneyPancharajah. (2013). Effect of MudakkuChuranam on obesity, abstract published on First International Research Conference- 2013 at Institute of Indigenous Medicine.
Presented with evidence- Up to 0.5 point / presentation
- V. (2015). Phytochemical and Pharmacological aspect of Bacopamonnieri, Paper presented and abstract published on National Ayurvedic research conference- 2015 at Bandaranaike Memorial Ayurveda Research Institute, Navinna, Maharagama.
- V. (2015). A review on Corallocarpusepigaeusbenth.Ex hook, Paper presented and abstract published on 12th Annual Research conference- 2015 at Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
- V. (2015). Phytopharmacological aspects of Centellaasciatica Linn, Full paper published on Second International research conference- June 2015 at Faculty of Management, University of Jaffna.
- V. (2014). A study of causative and aggravating factors of the AzhalKeelvayu, Abstract published on Second International research conference- 2014 at Institute of Indigenous Medicine.
- V. (2013). Efficacy of MudakkuChuranam an Indigenous drug in the management of AzhalKeelvayu. Paper presented and abstract published on International Research Conference-2013 at Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
- V, (2012). Efficacy of SivappuKukkil Oil, An Indigenous Medicine drug, on the management of AzhalKeelvayu (Osteoarthritis of the Knee joint). Paper presented and abstract published on National Ayurvedic research conference- 2012 at Bandaranaike Memorial Ayurveda Research Institute, Navinna, Maharagama.
Administrative activities
- Appointed as a Head / Unit of Siddha Medicine from 20.06.2015 – 12.12.2019
- Warden of the Campus- 01.08.2016- 18.03.2019
- Student counselor- 01.04.2014-31.03.2015
Other activities
- Key note speech delivered on the topic of Research & Methodologies of Indigenous Medicine: Present status & Future strategies in 06th International Conference on Ayurveda Traditional Medicine and Medicinal Plants which was organized by the Global Academic Research Institute held on 30.01.2021@ Galle Face Hotel, Colombo.
- Panelists for the Open discussion and comments from Experts for the 1st Webinar on Harmonization of Curricula for Mutual Recognition of Traditional Medicine Degrees of BIMSTEC Countries Organized by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India on 03rd November, 2020 at 10:00 AM – 01.00 PM (IST).
- Peer review process for the WHO Standard Terminology in Siddha Medicine, document.
- Key note speech delivered on the topic of Indigenous Medicine: towards the global wellness for the 6th International Conference for Ayurveda, Siddha &Unany which was organized by the Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, held on 08.12.2018.
- Key note address delivered on “Women Empowerment” for the International Women’s Day celebration 2018, organized by Human Rights Commission, Trincomalee at Kachcheri, Trincomalee.
- Key note speech given at Ayurveda Expo 2016 at BMICH, Colombo regarding Drug Toxicity in Siddha Medicine.
- Organized International research conference as Chair of the Conference, 06th International Conference on Ayurveda Traditional Medicine and Medicinal Plants which was organized by the Global Academic Research Institute held on 30.01.2021@ Galle Face Hotel, Colombo.
- Organized Second International research conference as a capacity of Co- Chair, September 13th and 14th of September 2017 at Trincomalee Campus.
- Organized First International Conference and Exhibition in Indigenous Medicine- 2018, organized by Department of Indigenous Medicine, Eastern Province with the collaboration of Unit of Siddha Medicine, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka as a capacity of Co- Chair, 04th and 05th of October 2018.
- Session Chair for the Technical session II, 06th International Conference on Ayurveda Traditional Medicine and Medicinal Plants which was organized by the Global Academic Research Institute held on 30.01.2021@ Galle Face Hotel, Colombo.
- Session Chair for the research session in Tradmed 2017 (Traditional and Complementary Medicine, Educational Exhibition & Trade Fair) – 24th of November 2017, Waters Edge, Sri Jayewardenepura, Kotte, Sri Lanka at Institute of Indigenous Medicine.
- Session Chair for the Jaffna University International Research Conference 2018 (JUICe2018) in the track of Health and Medical Sciences at Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna on 27th& 28th September 2018.
- Session Chair for the research session in Second International research conference- 2014 at Institute of Indigenous Medicine.
- Session Chair for the research session in First National research conference- January 2017 at Unit of Siddha Medicine, University of Jaffna.
- Reviewed eight research papers for the Third International research conference conducted by the Eastern University of Sri Lanka 2014.
- Reviewed three research papers for the Second International research conference conducted by the Faculty of Management, University of Jaffna, June 2015.
- Reviewed three research papers for International Journal of Complementary and Alternative on 2018.
- Organized Exhibition for Ayur Expo 2014 in Kandy.
- Organized Blood donating campaign in Unit of Siddha Medicine.
- Organized Exhibition for Ayurveda Expo 2015at BMICH, Colombo
- Reviewed three research papers for the International research conference conducted by the University of Jaffna, August 2016.
- Organized Exhibition for Ayurveda Expo 2016 at BMICH, Colombo
- Reviewed five research papers for the First International research conference conducted by the Trincomalee Campus, September 2016.
- Reviewed five research papers for the First National research conference conducted by the Unit of Siddha Medicine, University of Jaffna, January 2017.
- Organized Exhibition for First National research conference and Symposium conducted by the, Northern Provincial Council and Unit of Siddha Medicine, University of Jaffna, January 2017.
- Reviewed four research papers for the 3rd International research conference conducted by the Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, September 15th, 16th, 17th 2017.
- Reviewed five research papers for the Second International Research Conference conducted by the Trincomalee Campus, September 13th and 14th of 2017.
- Reviewed a research papers for the Twenty Second Annual Conference International Seminar 2017
conducted by University of Jaffna, November 2017.
- Reviewed three research papers for the International Journal of Complementary and Alternative, November 2017.
- National Contribution- Examiner for the Traditional doctors, conducting by Ayurvedic Medical Council on year 2017.
- An international invitee for the Siddha Day on 4th January, 2018 as approved by the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. The Siddha Day event will be organized jointly with Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy, Government of Tamil Nadu, Chennai, The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai and National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. The event was held at Silver Jubilee Auditorium, The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai. The theme of the first Siddha Day is “Prevention and Management of Life style Disorders through Siddha system of Medicine”. The objective of this conference is to create awareness among the students, doctors and public at large on Life Style Disorders and their prevention and management through Siddha system of medicine.
- Reviewed five research papers for the First International research conference conducted by the Unit of Siddha Medicine, University of Jaffna, February 2017.
- Organized the celebration of International Yoga day 2016
- Organized the celebration of International Yoga day 2017
- Organized the Medical camp – 17th January 2017
- Organized the opening of Research Laboratory -2017
- Organized the Manuscriptology Workshop – 2017
- Organized the Dengue awareness programme- 2017
- Organized the Yoga center Opening – 2017
- Organized the Food awareness Health education programme to St Mary’s College, Trincomalee – 2017
- Organized the Workshop on Manuscriptology and Varmam– 2018 to remark the 1st world Siddha’s day.
- Organized the health education programme on women health at MOH office Kuchavelli to remark the International Wome’s Day 2018 on 10.03.2018.
- Served as a member of selection committees as a senate nominee for the recruitment of Lectures, Temporary Demonstrators, Sub Warden etc…
- Reviewed three research papers for the International research conference conducted by the University of Jaffna, August 2016.
- Reviewed four research papers for the International research conference conducted by the University of Jaffna, 2018 (JUICe2018) on 27th& 28th September 2018.
- Reviewed fourteen research papers for the First International conference and Exhibition in Indigenous Medicine, 2018 (ICEIM 2018) conducted by Provincial Department of Indigenous Medicine, Eastern Province with the collaboration of Unit of Siddha Medicine, Trincomalee Campus.
- Organized the Diabetes Awareness programme at Faculty of Health Care Sciences, Eastern Unuversity, Sri Lanka on 07.10.2018.
- Reviewed five research papers for the Third International Research Conference conducted by the Trincomalee Campus, August 2018.
- Organized a Workshop on Formation of Siddha treatment protocol &non-communicable diseases- Sidddha View 15.05.2018. invited Dr. Thirunarayananwho is the secretary of Center for Traditional Medicine and Research (CTMR), India as a resource person
- Organized an awareness Programme on Diabetes Mellitus- Faculty of Health Care Sciences, Eastern University Sri Lanka has organized an awareness programme regarding the management methods for Diabetes Mellitus.
- Organized an awareness Programme and Mini Exhibition under the theme of “Build Diabetes free Community” on 19th of November 2018 at Trincomalee Campus.
- Organized Series of Nutritional Awareness Programmes in Selvanayakapuram, Muthur and Kappalthurai with the collaboration of Viluthu Centre for Human Resource Development, Trincomalee on 23.11.2018, 10.12.2018 & 12.12.2018 respectively.
- Reviewed a research papers for the 4thNational Symposium on Agriculture – 2021 on 10th March 2021conducted by Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Session Chair for the Technical session II, 04 th International Conference on Sustainable Development on 19th March 2021which was organized by the Global Academic Research Institute.
- Session Chair for the Technical session II, 06th International Conference on Ayurveda Traditional Medicine and Medicinal Plants which was organized by the Global Academic Research Institute held on 30.01.2021@ Galle Face Hotel, Colombo.
Other Members

Eng Mr. N. Ravindran
Former Acting CEO/Director

Mr. J. Jude Walton